Planning & Engineering
Since 2006, India Aviation Consulting & Support have developed in all Master Plans/ prepared Detailed Project Reports / Techno Economic Feasibility Reports for 11 airports – 3 Greenfield & 1 Brownfield International Airports & 7 Domestic Airfields besides 2 Roof Top helipads.One of the Greenfield airports, now almost ready for formal commissioning,is in the Republic of Maldives(MAAFARU Island). At Maldives we not only designed but also worked as EPC contractor and Construction Supervisors. We have been privileged to serve AAI, MIHAN ( Jt Venture of MADC & AAI ),IL&FS, Abu Dhabi Development Fund, (through M/s Tuff Offshore, Singapore),State Govts. of Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Kerala etc
As design and EPC contractors for an international airports at Maafaru island in Noonu Atol, Maldives M/s India Aviation Consulting & Support LLP carried out the Master plan for a 2200 m runway length with parking facility for two aircraft type A 320 with a Hangar to accommodate A 320 along with a passenger terminal for 200 passengers, a transit hotel with 50 rooms as well as the VIP terminal for the Royal Family of Abu Dabi. Being a green field international airport other facilities to be provided for are ATC Control Tower, Fire watch tower, fire station for category 7 RFF services, power house, water treatment plant, sewerage treatment plant etc. The project cost of US $ 52 Million included the cost of some part of reclamation of land, providing a Jetty for passengers, Runway lighting system, PAPI, lighted wind sock etc.
The runway work has been completed and besides successful trial and few commercial flights have landed at the new runway. The taxiways and the apron are still under construction as also the control tower, fire station and other ancillary buildings. The PMC is by M/s RW Armstrong.
DPR with CODE F type aircraft capability prepared in 4 Phases over a 30-year period, with desired parallel runway so as to extend the present runway afterwards and provided with a parallel taxi track too. Parallel Runway will full night landing facilities, Control Tower, New Fire station,link Taxi track with access to MRO area in the SEZ besides the Pax and Cargo terminals in modular form for 4 Phased development. Provided for DPR involved:
1. Field Surveys to Assess Pax & Cargo Traffic over 30 Years design period
2. Soil Test reports as also the Meteorological Data for site were made available
3. Runway length at par with existing Rwy with Code F capability – direct connectivity to Japan / South Korea
4. Land Use Plan for the entire infrastructure required for the airport.
5. Lay out Plan for the Proposed Airport infrastructure facilities
6. Pavement Design for – Runway, Taxiways and Apron with road network.
7. Assessment of CAPEX, Revenue, Preparation of Cashflows, IRR etc.
8. Techno Economic Feasibility Study with sensitivity analysis for Investments.
DPR for New Greenfield International Airport at Dholera, Gujarat.
India Aviation Consulting & Support LLP was awarded the work of preparation of DPR for Development of Greenfield International Airport at Dholera (Gujarat) based on an open tender. Estimated Cost – INR 1712 Crores (US$ 270 Million) to India Aviation Consulting & Support LLP.
Project completed was completed in in May, 2014, within stipulated time of 6 Months.
The assignment involved:
- Traffic Forecast and Growth of Air Traffic
- Soil Investigation – Identifying CBR value / K Value and Modulus of Sub-grade
- Collection and Study of Meteorological data for the airport
- Topography and Obstacles Limitations Surface Survey for the proposed site.
- Development of Master Plan / Land-use plan
- Communication Navigation Surveillances facilities and Air Traffic Management aspects
- Fire Services of CAT-IX
- Cargo Facility based on assessment of Cargo potential
- CAPEX for the entire project, Revenue Streams and Revenue Assessment, Financial analysis of the Airport Finances.
- Preparation of Detailed Project Report & IRR Computations for viability / VGF etc.
- Recommendations for Development by PPP mode for sustained operations
4. Kushinagar
Design of Kushinagar Greenfield International Airport and Techno Economic Feasibility Study thereof.
India Aviation Consulting & Support (IAC&S) was in turn retained by ILF&S as Aviation Consultants / Aviation experts for the development of the International Airport at Kushinagar including preparation of the Traffic forecast and the TEFR ( Techno Economic Feasibility Study).
The estimated cost of the project – INR 586 Crores (US$ 130 Million) and was completed before time in March, 2010.
The Techno-Economic Feasibility Report involved:
- Field Surveys for Assessment of Traffic Potential for the Proposed Project
- Traffic Survey and Traffic Forecast for the Project
- Assessment of the Land required for the Project
- Development of Land Use Plan for the entire infrastructure required for the Project
- Lay out Plan for the Proposed Airport Terminal Building and other Ancillary Services.
- Design of pavements of the airport – Runway, Taxiways and Apron with road network.
- Preparation of Cashflows.
- Assessment of Capital Cost
- Assessment of Revenue from various revenue streams
- Techno Economic Study with sensitivity analysis
1.Ambikapur Aerodrome
The State Govt. of Chhattisgarh proposed to develop all 7 State owned airstrips for commercial operations as license airports. Ambikapur presently with longest airstrip in the state is proposed to be develop for accommodating ATR 42-500 as the critical aircraft. The CAPEX for this airport development is estimated at 43.63 Crores with total land area of 79 acres. The terminal building proposed is 2400 sqm with car park for parking of 50 cars, electrical substation, DG sets with Rain Water Harvesting and Sewerage Treatment Plant for the airport. Water supply is from the city source water supply.
The Master plan for Bhilai will have a runway length of 1650 m long with ATR 42-500 as critical aircraft for operations. The apron 90/70 m for parking of 2 aircraft an isolation bay of 40m/40m. A passenger Terminal 2100 sqm with car park for 100 cars is planned. Rain Water Harvesting arrangements are provided for. The CAPAX for Bhilai airport development is proposed to be Rs. 41.29 Crores. Sub power Station with DG sets and STP are provided for.
3.Bilaspur Aerodrome
The airstrip at Bilaspur is 1490 m long (RWY 17/35). The airport plans are with ATR 72-500 as the critical aircraft with further development to cater to Airbus 320 / Boeing 737 in phase II. The proposed runway of 2000 m will then be extended to 3575m. The CAPAX proposed is 155 Crores with Terminal building of 3300 sqm car parking facility in phase I for 50 cars with electrical substation, DG sets, Rain Water Harvesting and Sewerage Treatment Plant for the airport. Water supply is from the city source water supply.
The Master plan for Jagdalpur provides for 1705 m long runway (06/24 orientation) with a passenger terminal for 2400 sqm to cater to ATR 42-500 as critical aircraft. The airport has two separate aprons one catering to the aircraft / Helicopters of security forces. The Civil apron provides for parking of 2 aircraft. The CAPAX for Jagdalpur airport development is proposed to be Rs. 58.38 Crores with Sub power Station with DG sets and STP are provided. The Master plans provide for Rain Water Harvesting.
The Master plan for Jashpurnagar provides for Rs 48.20 Crores. The aerodrome is to be develop for 1635 m long runway (09/27 orientation), apron of 90m/70m is for parking of two aircraft. The master plan provides for an isolation bay of 40m X 40m. There is a provision for ATC control Tower at a height of 20m above ground level. A passenger terminal building size 2400 sqm to cater to ATR 42-500 as critical aircraft. Sub power Station with DG sets and STP are provided. The Master plans provide for Rain Water Harvesting. Navigational AIDS proposed is NDB, fire station and fire watch tower are also provided for.
The Master plan for Jashpurnagar provides for Rs 58.23 Crores. The aerodrome is to be develop for 1635 m long runway (18/36 orientation), apron of 90m/70m is for parking of two aircraft. The master plan provides for an isolation bay of 40m X 40m. There is a provision for ATC control Tower at a height of 20m above ground level. A passenger terminal building size 2400 sqm to cater to ATR 42-500 as critical aircraft. Taxiway 65m length, Sub power Station with DG sets and STP are provided. The Master plans provide for Rain Water Harvesting. Navigational AIDS proposed is NDB, fire station and fire watch tower are also provided for. There is a provision for fuel farm. Car parking is for 100 Cars
7.Raigarh (Konda Tarai)
The existing Runway strip of 1200 m is to be extended to 2000 m for ATR 72-500, Apron 110m X 90m, Control Tower height 35m, DVOR is proposed because of use of this aerodrome by Business Jets and other Jet operated aircrafts. Car parks for 130 cars, turning pads on both the side of runway with appropriate category of RFF level pipe. The aerodrome development plan provides for wind sock, landing direction indicator, aerodrome beacon with PAPI on both sides of the runway. Predominantly used direction of the runway to have simple approach lighting system. The CAPAX is 153.13 Crores including land cost of 45.52 Crores.
1.Rooftop Helipad on one of the Residential Tower at Delhi One, Noida
The EPC proposal for Design and Construction supervision of a Helipad on top of the tallest of the 10 towers (42 storey building) commercial cum residential tower at Delhi One complex was entrusted with M/s India Aviation Consulting & Support for 6-8 seat helicopter for Medical Evacuation as one of the reasons of the helipad. The elevator engine room on top of the building itself was more than 8 m high. For movement of patient on stretcher a novel concept of providing two scissor lifts was developed along with the concept of firefighting emergency services to cater to the ICAO requirements. The design work was carried out with night landing facilities and fire safety arrangements.
2.Rooftop Helipad on Hotel KC Meadows
M/s India Aviation Consulting & Support were awarded the work for design and construction supervision of the rooftop helipad for 6 storey hotel in Panchkula, Haryana very near the Chandigarh airport. The design work was carried out with night landing facilities and fire safety arrangements. The junction of the two wings of the hotel was identified for 5-8 seat aircraft viz Agusta Westland – AG 109 type of helicopter operations.